Welcome back to further tales of the Old House in Paris. Before launching into the mammoth task of creating some order out of the many strands of putting this house together, I should like to draw your attention to the Labours of Laura whilst she was here a week or so ago...
I am truly blessed with my family and friends
– when I show visitors round and reel off "My daughter did this, my
sister-in-law that, a friend from Holland this, a Czech friend that.... and my
daughter-in-law has just created these, many English friends that and here's
the first thing my ten year old granddaughter has contributed".......
Granddaughter takes at turn at transforming... |
....they are often
amazed at how much family and friends are involved. It almost sounds as if I
take it for granted that there are all these talented people around willing to
contribute to the success of Small Worlds.
I really don't – I am immensely grateful and I always take care to give
lavish credit!
Revenons a nous moutons (let us return to our sheep) - the next
task, after finishing the outside, (and if you haven't read Chapter One I suggest you check it out now) was to paper the inside front, install an interior front door and put up some net curtains, duly soaked
in tea to take the bright whiteness off them.
I then installed mirrors and a practice bar
or two in the ballet studio. I had luckily bought some gold and silver
card from a cheapie shop in the UK and it has proved its worth. Mirrors
and Art Deco lift in Gosthwaites, and now wall-length mirrors in the
Before I go any further, perhaps this is the point to reveal all
of the inside at one fell swoop and then go into room-by-room details. I
have to say this house was a nightmare to photograph. I have had at
least four separate goes at it, the last one yesterday, and I am still not
really satisfied with the pictures. But I have decided to settle for
"good enough" rather than perfection!
After they have ooh'ed and aah'ed for a while I then open the roof.....
which produces another chorus of oohs and aahs. Well, the Czech version thereof - a delightful sound which I am sadly totally unable to render in English.
Starting on the ground floor, there was
never any doubt that this should be a ballet studio. Once the floor was
stuck down it was time to make mirrors. I decided that the main one
should go along a side wall as it is very disconcerting to peer into a dolls
house to find oneself looking at one's own face. I did take it slightly round
the corner as well though so that the young dancers can see themselves from
more than one direction. Very important for maintaining poise and
There really wasn't much else that needed
to be done in the studio – after all, the budding ballerinas need a lot of
space to practise so cluttering up the room with furniture was the last thing I
wanted to do. One practice bar along
the length of the mirror – kebab sticks and the ever-useful Czech curtains
– and one free-standing one nearby, a grand piano, and a small cupboard to house the frilly tutus made last summer by the resourceful Bep and the studio was done and waiting for the pupils.
I used a fairly nondescript pale green wallpaper for
the studio and classroom because I knew there would be mirrors and posters on
the walls; Madame Fidolia's study was the only room where I tried out several
papers before settling on an elegant grey one with a discreet gold
pattern. The dormitory just got a coat
of cream paint.
The classroom also posed few problems. The desks I already had – I made them many
years ago, copying them from what I think may be a Lundby original. Maybe someone can identify it? Six desks fitted nicely in the room, the
teacher's desk is a little small but I later placed it on a wooden platform and
it works reasonably well.
I made a simple
blackboard and perched it on a bought easel. (I was delighted when a young
visitor last week noticed the pieces of chalk. Note to self: add some writing
to the board.)
When she and her husband paid us a visit earlier this
year she brought along two little dolls as gifts for me and Butterfly. With one voice we cried "The ballet
school" and rushed to put them there.
looked at us quizzically and asked "How many do you need?" We couldn't believe our luck. "Six?" I said tentatively. "And do you need teachers?" (She is
someone who cuts straight to the heart of the matter!) "Er, yes," I
said, "Madame the head of the school, and maybe one dance

And that was it – when I
made an overnight stop at the Šlesinger's ever-welcoming home near Nuremberg on my way back
from England in June, she presented me with four more small girls, Madame, a
dance teacher and a rail full of delightful dresses – four sets of rompers for the
little girls who were clad in their uniform dresses, and two tiny dresses for the
smallest pupils, who were already wearing their rompers. She had also made a chair for Madame but it
turned out to be a little too big....
.... so the iconic Czech puppets Spejbl and
Hurvinek are making use of it.
Nothing goes to waste in Small Worlds!
With the inhabitants ready to take up their positions,
all that remained was the really fun part of doing up any dolls house –
dressing the rooms. All the studio
needed was some music on the piano and inspiring posters on the walls.
dormitory got some enchanting ballet shoes made by friend Lynda who was
visiting me a few weeks ago. They are suitably soft, being made of plasticine. The tap shoes are from some mini-Barbie or other and were originally red.
The classroom got some suitable posters on the walls –
all French of course.
The books are naturally also in French – and are a salute to one of my favourite authors,
Elinor M.Brent-Dyer who created the Chalet School series of nearly 60 books. Her writing spanned the years from 1925-1970 and she
still has some very faithful followers, many, including me, to be found on the Chalet School Bulletin Board. I know a number of CBB members read this blog – some of the books in the classroom are used in the Chalet School over the years. I should have liked to use more, but felt many were not age appropriate!
They are hard to spot in the photos so here they are.....
Books are so easy to make nowadays. A few seconds on the computer. Gone are the days of searching through
catalogues for pictures of approximately the right size, or later on struggling to get pictures small enough by using a reducing photo-copier - you had to steadily shrink
the picture you wanted down through the percentages. It took hours and resulted
in much wasted paper.
I am delighted
that I had refused to throw away my out of date building society books – ideal
for creating mini-books, even better than the spine of old cheque
(However you will have noticed that I have taken the liberty of
inventing posters so that the little girls down in the studio can also benefit from the
inspiration of the paintings . I felt it would be pushing it to put
originals down there too......)
I do wonder a little about Madame, she has clearly
progressed (the politest way I can put it) from the aesthetic figure in the
portrait we sent to Anna. Gone to seed
a little perhaps? More evidence of this
might be seen in the elegant gold-encased bottle by her feet and the goblet on her desk.....
I think I have now covered everything I wanted to in
this mammoth post - mostly written in Small Worlds earlier today which was blessed with very few
visitors - after I made it to the front page of the regional newspaper a
couple of weeks ago, and also got a snippet in a national paper, it has been even busier than usual.....
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Bavorov admires Small Worlds..... |
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So I will close, as befits a post based
on a picture book, with a few more scenes from The Old House in Paris. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and I look
forward to seeing you again soon.
WOW WOW WOW! This is fantastic - what a beautiful ballet school you've created. You have a wealth of talented relations and friends indeed!
ReplyDeleteSo many Ohh and Ahh moments in this post. The school is truly amazing with so many wonderful ideas. The plastercine shoes are just beautiful. Strange how the little touches add so much.
ReplyDeleteLove Chrissie x
Oh oh OH! Splendido. An excellent reveal - I was so excited by the time I got to the top floor I literally (note correct use of word) burst into applause. Startled the cat no end. She had just settled down when I got to the inhabitants. More startlement.
ReplyDeleteThis is a TRIUMPH. I think one of the books should be Mme Fidolia's memoirs. They definitely wouldn't be age-appropriate…
Have been thinking about the trickiness of photographing - perhaps you need one of those cameras that are on the end of a flexible hose. I'm sure they have them on Ebay.
Happy sigh
Andrea x
Are you volunteering to write said memoirs? Since I couldn't use your former flight of fancy?
DeleteSorry cat - but glad about the applause :-)
Actually, I think I may just need a better camera but will investigate hose ones. Butterfly seems to manage okay, but she does have a much newer camera. Or is just better at it than I am :-(
I love the story of its development, and the final creation! The details like the ballet shoes, clothes, books, chalk - all wonderful! Re the posters, though - chromolithography was invented in the 19th century, and I think many people had reproductions of paintings on their walls. There were also painted copies of famous paintings, which I imagine would have been more expensive - perhaps that is what Mme Fidolia has? Although I am sure she would rather have us think that they are originals ...
ReplyDeleteI'm sure she would Rebecca! Yes of course you are right, there will have been reproductions around long before this school is set.....
DeleteAll those wonderful advertising posters from the Thirties for example. I guess we were thinking of the poster culture of today but I am glad I am not being anachronistic after all :-)
This is absolutely brilliant! Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful little ballet school you and your friends/family have created here Cestina, a beautifully fascinating post so pleased to see it finished in all its glory. I love the little rail of ballet dresses and shoes all lined up in the dormitary and all the sweet little books and ballet pictures on the walls. Such a joy to look at Thank you for sharing this. Mo x
ReplyDeleteAll looking splendid! And I still think Madame has originals... I'm happy the students can benefit from the chromolithographs though.
Hello Miss Cestina, this was a BRILLIANT post and the old house in Paris with the fabulous Ballet classroom ALL BRILLIANT, I adore it so much, your are blessed with a brilliantly talented family, your wonderful talented friends came into your life for a reason, I'm sure they think your a blessing to theirs. I fell in love with Miss Laura's spectacular jewelry, I can't wait to make my own with my tiny dresses. Your doll houses inspire me to make some of my own miniatures, which I never thought I could,, thanks so much for that, I'm blessed to have found you and your wonderful family in blog land. Hope you have a wonderful week, can't wait for your next post, ((( BIG HUGS )))...
ReplyDeleteSPECTACULAR!! Cestina, I'm in LOVE!! I hope that one day I get to travel to Europe (making sure it's the right time of year) and come visit you and your Small Worlds Museum! You've got a talented brood and everyone's contributions to these little masterpieces are phenomenal!! WOW! All of the little details...OH--Madame's little gold flask--I'm sure that's not filled with tea :) ;) Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to share Small Worlds with us through your blog! It's no small feat to create these houses and then to share all of the details with photos--Amazing!! XOXO-Shari
ReplyDeleteThank you Shari. When you make it to Europe be sure to contact me because even if I am not in the right place at the right time I'm sure I can arrange for access to Small Worlds :-)
DeleteCertainly not tea in the gold flask! I think her tipple of choice, as a good French woman, may be Calvados....
I love this house! The dormitory has got to be my favorite part of this house. It's totally adorably cute! Congratulations on being in the newspaper. You're famous now!
We love the ballet dress poking out of the wardrobe. When we read your posts we always want to shrink down and come and explore them.