Saturday, 22 April 2017

'O brave new world, That has such people in't.....'

This mini-post is but a signpost to something very much longer.....the saga of Butterfly's labours in Small Worlds recently.
We were in Bavorov for almost three weeks and 'thereby hangs a tale', one which I shall leave you to find by visiting Words and Pictures and revelling in the good company. Enjoy!

And Butterfly - once again
'I can no other answer make but thanks, 
And thanks; and ever thanks'


  1. Just seen Butterfly's creation. What an amazing girl she is.

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Hey Cestina! I went to Alison's post. I love here doll creations and back story -- you both are extremely talented and such a pleasure to get to know!
    Sandy xx

  3. Thanks for the link, Cestina! A humorous and inspiring post from your very talented daughter.
