The third part will appear in February, all being well. There's lots of fascinating stuff for miniaturists on the website and a great deal of expertise to be found there too.
And so to the last item in the window display. I apologise for the quality of the photo - if any expert photographers reading this can enlighten me about taking photos through glass without getting so many reflections, I would be very grateful.
Cue slight digression: the group was very much into putting room settings into unusual containers just then. It was one of our members, Norman Randall, who made several of my dolls houses for me, who first came up with the idea. He produced a kitchen in an old enamel saucepan and then sent off photos of it to the Home Miniaturist magazine. (A little bird tells me that this creation is on its way to Small Worlds - thank you Sheila!)
His room-in-a-saucepan sparked a nation-wide competition and suddenly all the dolls house groups were thinking up unusual containers to put scenes into. I particularly remember a large packet of washing powder with a launderette inside. The final winner of the competition was the plaster cast of a broken leg with a hospital scene inserted into it!
I think this was the same year that the Herts Miniaturists suggested "Christmas Past" as a theme for a room setting and since this blog post will be very short of photos if I only cover the Father Christmas-in-a-Bag - no photos of the process for example, because it all happened so many years ago - that I have decided to first give you a bonus scene that isn't in the window display.
Everything that is in the original photos, I managed to reproduce in miniature. Butterfly tells me she made the pram. I believe her of course. The abacus caused a great deal of swearing, as did the tiny furniture in the house......
So back to Santa in the paper bag - it's once again very easy to do. You cut a hole in the bag at the height you want and then build a structure to insert inside. You can use either stiff card, as (judging by the corrugations I can see) I did here, or better still, foamboard.
Foamboard, or Foamcore is polystyrene foam sandwiched between two sheets of card and it's brilliant stuff for crafting. As is polystyrene of course - just a reminder, since it's Christmas, of the wonderful Christmas creches I featured at the end of this post last year. All of them carved out of polystyrene....
Thank you for continuing to follow this story. I wish you all the very best for a joyous Christmas and a peaceful and happy New Year. See you again in 2014.....