Whilst I have been in England enjoying weddings, important family birthdays and Giant Book Sales, work has been going on in the room to turn it into something more suitable to take a large quantity of dolls houses and allow them to be displayed to their advantage. A kind friend in Bavorov has been sending me photos as the work has gone along. Quite soon after daughter and I left for the UK the builders started work and one of the first things they did was to begin the process of covering up the appalling brown plastic ceiling.
So I was quite excited when I unlocked the door.....I knew that pretty well everything had been done except the bars on the front windows and the final electrical works (there are no actual plugs or switches yet).
The first thing that struck me was the size of the room - much bigger than I had remembered. Even before we started measuring it was clear that my worries about all the display units fitting into the space had been unnecessary. Not only would they all fit - there are in fact more than I mentioned in my last blog post - but we will have flexibility in how we decide to arrange them.
The second thing to strike me was how light the room is now that everything is white instead of dreary brown. Even the remaining lino, which is still the original brown stuff, has brightened enormously and will serve very well as a durable floor covering.
However since I plan to run one of the display cabinets along the back wall, regardless of the radiators, and at the other end the worktables will be placed under the window so that passers-by can stop to watch "work in progress", they will be fairly hidden and I think I will leave them as they are for the moment.
My other regret is not having asked for the complete removal of the washbasin and tiles. I figured that I would still need a water supply for all the cups of coffee/tea that are going to be necessary whilst working on the houses but the unit as it stands is very intrusive and will have to be completely screened off.
Cue digression: The Czechs have an overwhelming passion for tiling bathrooms and other watery areas. Anyone visiting the Czech Republic should make time not only to visit the wonderful Gothic churches and romantic castles, but also to visit a branch of what I have nicknamed The Temple of Baths - Siko. I have a horror of tiled bathrooms and struggled desperately to persuade my builder that
having one is not a compulsory fact of life. I won in the end but had to concede some tiling in the shower room....
But over all I am delighted with the space (it was even pleasantly warm, proving that the radiators do work) and I am now much looking forward to the scheduled arrival of the houses and display units at the end of this month. In the meantime I am trying to decide whether I should have blinds at the windows so that the contents will not be fully exposed to view in my absence....I do have a feeling that if someone really plans to break in and cause mischief they will do so, regardless of precautions, but on the other hand I have always rather liked the saying "You can't keep trouble from coming, but you needn't give it a chair to sit on....."
Thank you for visiting Cestina's Dollshouses today. There may be no further post until the houses actually get here, when once again you will be able to see some chaos as they are decanted into their space. All the display units have to be painted before the houses themselves can be unpacked - oh joy!